Welcome to iRefurb, your destination for premium gadget spare parts. Explore our diverse collection featuring various screen quality badges and gradings. From high-resolution displays to budget-friendly options, each part undergoes rigorous screening to meet our quality standards. Choose with confidence, knowing that our transparent categorization ensures you find the perfect balance of quality and affordability. iRefurb - where excellence meets value in every spare part.

- Our Quality Badges -

- AfterMaket Quality Badge


AMPLUS - AfterMarket Plus
Aftermarket Plus is the best third party manufactured replacement part sourced from the reputable suppliers. We don't directly engage in the engineering of these replacement parts, our dedicated sourcing team conducts rigorous testing on each component before procurement. Although the quality is best in Aftermarket segment but there is still rejection rate of about 10-20%.


- OEM Quality Badges

REFURB - Refurbished
Refurbished part means it has been reconditioned, repaired, rehabilitated, or similar to restore the replacement part to its original purpose. We mark our replacement parts as Refurb when the replacement part is restored, and it contains OEM key elements, or it is OEM in its majority.



PULL (A) - Pulled Part
Pull is any replacement part that was pulled off an OEM device. Many times a device can be worth less compared to the worth when disassembled and sold for parts. This category is further broken down by grades. Depending on the life cycle of the OEM device and the use given by its original owner, the Pull replacement part is graded from A to C grade. We only source grade A which is just like brand new.



Service Pack 
Service Pack is the brand new original part that come from its original factory, and it's 100% genuine.




- Blemish Quality Badge

Blemish means the replacement part sold has a mark or flaw in the appearance. This category is restricted to screens. Parts in this category could be Pull or Refurb. This category is further broken down by different conditions. Depending on the size and kind of blemish, currently, we only sell condition A & B Blemish replacement part with no warranty covered.